Drupal Refresh View on AJAX Event

Recently, I had need to refresh a Drupal View every time a jQuery AJAX request completed, but, being me, ran into the problem of the view refresh falling into an infinite loop because, duh, the view refresh was also an AJAX refresh. Every AJAX request issued by Drupal 7.x returns a JSON object that contains a substantial amount of very useful information ... if you know how to look for it.

 * @file
 * This JavaScript reacts to certain AJAX events on the view.


 * Function built on wireframe from 
 * https://drupal.org/node/1781988#comment-6835168
Drupal.behaviors.my_view_machine_name = {
  attach: function(context, settings) {
    if (Drupal.views !== undefined) {
      jQuery.each(Drupal.views.instances, function(i, view) {
        if (view.settings.view_name == "my_view_machine_name") {
          jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, xhr, settings){
            var response = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
            var resp_keys = Object.keys(response[0].settings.ajax);
            if (response[0].settings.ajax[resp_keys[0]].callback == "editablefields_form_update") {
          view.$view.once('view-refresher', function() {
            var html = 'Refresh';
            view.$view.append(jQuery(html).each(jQuery.proxy(view.attachPagerLinkAjax, view)));
          return false;


This javascript runs on views with AJAX enabled, evaluates the Drupal.views.instances object to look for a view name, if the view name is found, jQuery's ajaxComplete method is attached to the document. When an AJAX call completes, the ajaxComplete method evaluates the returned response and looks for a specific callback name, in this case editablefields_form_update, and updates the view by issuing a click on the hidden view refresh link that the function also adds.

So ... a side note: Drupal's response JSON does not provide a pretty set of Object keys to use to access different areas of the response, but JavaScript has a nifty trick for finding out a name of an object key: Object.keys(object-to-be-evaluated). You'll notice this is in use in the gist above to access the response settings callback, which, in Drupal's response JSON, is in an object below an object named after the id of the object that issued the request.
