As I sit here now, this has eaten eight hours of my life. Possibly because Google hates me.
Working with Behat and DrupalExtension, I noticed a docblock above my FeatureContext class' __construct method that said:
* Initializes context.
* Every scenario gets it's own context object.
* @param array $parameters
* context parameters (set them up through behat.yml)
Well, my head went spinning! If I could set certain variables, I could do this and that and the other; all of which I've completely forgotten in my eight hour quest to figure out how to set the f**king context variables for behat. Lemme tell you, if it's in the docs for Behat or DrupalExtension, I've bloody well missed it. Six times over. What's frustrating is how f**king simple this turned out to be and no one seems to have documented it. And no, by far, I'm not the only Behat / Drupal / DrupalExtension user out there. Here's the update to your behat.yml, assuming you start out with something like this:
features: 'features'
goutte: ~
selenium2: ~
base_url: http://mysite.url
show_cmd: 'open -a %s'
files_path: /path/to/uploadable/files
blackbox: ~
root: /path/to/drupal/web/root
api_driver: drush
header: ".container-header"
content: ".container-main"
page_title: ""
message_selector: ".messages"
error_message_selector: ".messages.error"
success_message_selector: ".messages.status"
Here's the bit to add, right at the beginning::
class: "FeatureContext"
kitchen: "sink"
This will pass an array of parameters to your FeatureContext constructor which, then, become usable within your class. Hope you find this useful. Please excuse my foul language.