Posts tagged "drupalextension"

Remotely Running Behat Drupal BDD Tests

So, you have a remote server that houses a Drupal instance that you want to test with Behat. I'm going to assume you have Behat set up with Drupal Extension and configured to run said tests on your local instance. Of course you have drush installed...

Selenium2 and Behat: Wait for AJAX to Finish

Recently ran across a case where I needed to wait for AJAX to finish during a Behat/Selenium2 test and couldn't find one. Ran across some examples for telling Selenium2 to wait and telling jQuery to wait for AJAX to finish, and decided to mash...

Selenium Screenshot on Behat Scenario Step Failure

I love me some behat ... despite losing 8 hours chasing down an addition to a YAML file. No, I don't think I'll cool off about that any time soon.One of the things that has enchanted me about behat is not having to write many of the tedious methods...

Pass Context Parameters to Behat's FeatureContext Class

As I sit here now, this has eaten eight hours of my life. Possibly because Google hates me.Working with Behat and DrupalExtension, I noticed a docblock above my FeatureContext class' __construct method that said: [php] /** * Initializes...